Hi there. I have some problem with Clock. If I use optocore clock as master (as it should be) than I have clock issues. If I use clock from DMI64@96 as master clock everything goes ok…
As @FWilmet kindly suggested, it’s definitely worth checking the “Enable sync to external” in Dante Controller on the DMI card is selected. This will ensure that the DMI card is clocked to the DMI host.
Let us know if you have any further issues - either here, or [email protected] if more urgent.
This is incorrect. If you are using Optocore as the clock master (and any sync source that isn’t the DMI card itself). You need to ensure ‘Sync to external’ is turned on. This will ensure the Dante network is syncing to Digico world.
Sometime it works but sometime it doesn’t.
In my case (Shared two console / External Master Clock / All console synchronized by Optocore) When I turn off External Sync option, All my Dante device working normally, especially Aviom D800 Dante device. But When I using one console with External Clock master, need to turn on External Sync option and console synchronizes with External Clock.
Hi there everyone and thanks four your kind answers.
First of all sorry for my english i hope it should be understandable…
I want to say first that I’m really excited with this system, I like just to say something about my troubles to improve the experience for everyone because the final sound is really impressive. I can use my everyday tools of studio environment to live gig moving further a new way of mixing gigs. Lovely.
I yet did my ten days of rehearsal with this system:
n.3 Digico 225 quantum pulse (2 of them mirrored)
n.1 SD RACK 56
(All of this in LOOP OPTOCORE)
n.1 SD MINIRACK on front of house clocked via madi with the console itself
n.1 MGB for virtual soundcheck on front of house clocked via madi with the console itself
n.2 MGB for virtual soundcheck on monitor console clocked via madi with the console itself
Enabling the External Clock on DMI card (i was really stupid in my opinion to didn’t check before ) I definitely solve the clock problems. Thanks for the suggestion.
But I have to say something about the Fourier itself because i had some problems trying to use it in a hard plugin mix environment. I got a bus to bus mix and I assume to put plugins on the buses.
First the most difficulty is about the Dante Embedded Platform.
Guys… 4.15 ms every time i have to go in and out is really too much. We also have to deal also with latency of the plugins of course. We need at least a properly Dante interface to go to 1ms of latency plz!
If we like to use this kind of system (like Avid for example) we need more simplicity of coordination between the two platform. I’m really excited to use Shadows Hills, Pro-L and others on my master bus but without 7.26 ms of latency, it should be 3 ms less with Dante Card.
I’m collecting really too much latency, but I will deal with it because I did a really accurate measure of all the latencies and I aligned all my console properly.
Please we really need to use keyboard from the client controller computer because of course we insert numbers on plugins!
I have a problem that I didn’t solve except not touching too much the plugins (in a good world I should like to use it during the concert).
I have an average dsp processing of 33%. Sometimes when I changed the scene from the MTC of digico sending notes via midi to fourier to change cues, the first core goes to red and I can hear clip. I just recall two chs of fx with H-Delay, one of DI Guitar with Decapitator, H-Delay and Tremolator (just for tremolator bypass) and one Ch of the two main singer because he need a Vocal Bender just for formant fx. This ch off course is heavy plugin ch but also i can’t tweak the one of the other singer (same plugins except for the formant, and with no recall) because the dsps goes crazy red and orange.
If someone have any suggestion on Thursday I will have the Rehearsal and then on Friday the concert, I will appreciate .
Information on latency is listed here- Hardware Specification | Fourier Audio. Lowest round trip latency is 3ms at 32 period size (1ms Dante send + 1ms DSP latency + 1ms Dante receive).
Copy that on the keyboard input, it didn’t make the cut for v1.4 roadmap release (Roadmap | Fourier Audio), but I will bump it up our priority list and talk with the team about v1.5
The recall does seem very surprising, especially hearing audio clips. If you want to send a support ticket to [email protected], they will be more than happy to take a look. We will also be releasing a v1.3 release at the end of this month/ early February that will highlight the known DSP load bar issue amongst a whole load of bug fixes.