Consistency in Plugin control with hardware pots, knobs &/v faders

p.s. this is not a ‘request’, just an idea:)

It would be great if in the future the transform engine could contain a matrix in which the controls for each parameter for each plugin could be mapped. Either standard or user made. Maybe with some sort of touch and ‘automap’ functionality.

So for different kind of hardware (rtp-midi/osc ect) can link a hardware button or potmeter to a column in the matrix and then control all the mapped functions in that column for all the plugins when certain plugin is ‘active’/selected.
The map could probably also work for mixer brands that incorporate a transform card or incorporate functions to control third party hardware being the transform engine.

There could even be some sort of ‘transform controller’ (like a 480 larc with some extra function buttons and little led screens, digico fader/pots and channel led will do fine:))

Selecting a plugin on the screen maps the pre-mapped parameters to the hardware. Then running transform engine over a dante connection will give you tactile control independently from mixer-brand, software version ect. The dante patch is the only thing to get it going. And you don’t need to go to certain screens in a mixer to get the plugin control potmeters ect.
And the input gain is always the first potmeter, the pre delay the second ect.

If mixer brands could use this map with the api they can map the map to their own hardware control and the control of different plugins will be consistent in terms of where is the input gain, pre delay, output gain ect.

This is probably a lot of work, but would make running and manipulating plugins in a live environment faster and more consistent.

I still like to use hardware for reverbs and delay, not because they sound better, but because You can directly operate the vital parameter fast, direct and independent of what screen the mixer is in.

regards, looking forward to receiving my transform engine,


Hey Rob, thanks for this, great idea, it’s on the same wavelength to where we want to go with the transform.engine :)!

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