Cue List Filter

Hi, actually I don’t get the idea: why does selecting a chain in the Include Targets window automatically select the same chain in Exculde Targets?

Hi there!

Thanks for your message.

It might be best to think of it as two discrete sections. The ‘Recall Filter’ is set in the left hand pane, and then if required, you are invited to select an appropriate chain(s).

By selecting ‘Include Targets’, only the chains in that pane are included. If you then choose to ‘Exclude Targets’, anything previously selected in ‘Include Targets’ will still be selected, but these Chains will now be excluded by the filter.

It is not possible to have some Chains selected in ‘Include Targets’, and others in ‘Exclude Targets’. The Cuelist is configured either to Include or Excluded (or have no filter at all).

Hope that helps!