Current, My issue what I found

Software 1.2 … so good and looks like more good.
but still have unknown issue but I believe will be solve.

A. Heavy plugin chain, easy to stuck
B. Preset Import bug. When I import lot of preset
C. Complex combination of plugin, system stuck.
D. When hit the DSP peak, currently Sound dropped and pop.
E. When I switch plugin view lot of time, the system lost plugin host

A. When I use 5~6 plugin one single chain, system easy to stuck when loading plugin. but almost this issue can solve hit the Rest Chain. but uncomfortable.

B. When I import plugin preset 5~6 or 10 more. after that no more affected preset parameter. Imported preset file, but not changed any parameter. (but 1.2 version have Copy to Paste new function.)

C. example, Waves - VST3 - VST3 - Waves - VST3 … easy to stuck system. at this time, If I remove Waves Plugin, system going normal. Waves plugin working good. but still have little problem using another VST3 plugins.

D. before 1.2 version, When system hit the DSP peak, sound is not affect. but now, Affected. looks like lot of user found this same issue.

E. still not solved, When I switch plugin view one or two is OK. but 10 time or more. system stuck (Plugin view section) “loading” and When system stuck like this, only way to solve this problem is to reboot the entire engine.

enjoying Transform. and happy mix

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Hi mrpaman,

We are always happy to investigate problems, but we are still waiting for information from your other posts in this forum, as well as our support team waiting for further information from a request you made a while ago.

Log files, show files, screen recordings, would be very helpful. Without these, we can’t help get to the bottom of your problem. We have been unable to recreate the issues you have mentioned from the limited information so far.

We’d love to help your resolve the issues you’ve encountered!

Many thanks,


I prepare about that. some user posted after update 1.2 software, issue was solved what looks like my issues. but I’ll try and will send show files, log, clip too. but very hard to capture that moments. so, sorry about that.

I had the same kind of problem.
I had put the CTRL, Pri and RDP of a PC doing virtualCheck (via UB Madi) in the same network.
When I opened a plug, the DSP Load was not WAW (sound too).
I separated everything at network level. A network for each interface and Audio Fourier directly in the DMI. It really behaves better. Maybe that’ll help.

yes. me too.
First time, I use system with other software and network.
so, after I made to separate whole network one by one.
and now, system going more stable.

so, you use single laptop or desktop for only Transform right?

in my case, I just one time check what license and plugin loading.
after everything OK and loaded plugin OK. I disconnect control network.
(I’m not monitoring always.)

Not having control over the engine is not an option for me.

After update 1.2.1 software.
Crane song issue was solved.