2 identical plugs. 2 different latencies.
The photos date from this morning and it seems to me that yesterday the plugs indicated a latency of 0ms > Even if I’m not sure, because I always pay attention to this.
Annoying, even more so when you do compensation groups.
Any Idea?
Hi there,
Thanks for the post!
Having just had a quick look at the DeEss manual (here) I wonder if this might be related to the ‘Lookahead’ feature.
The manual states:
Setting a lookahead allows the de-esser to react to sibilant events slightly ahead of when they occur. Turning the LOOKAHEAD on will introduce latency to the plug-in!
I note from the screenshots that the first shows a ‘Lookahead’ of 1ms, vs 0ms in the second, which aligns with the ‘Reported Latency’.
Hope that helps!
Thx ;-).
Sorry for the inconvenience
Not at all, enjoy your transform.engine 
note that the report latency is correct from the moment you use smite/unsmite.
Yesterday, 0 because when you load the ‘lookahaed’ plug = 0.