Is there any redundancy in running plugins?

What sort of redundancy does the transform.engine have? What happens if a plugin crashes or there is some other issue? Will any effect being applied by the plugin stop working for some period of samples?
Also, what are the channel count limits for a single plugin?

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To my knowledge plugins or chains are running in separate processes. So if one chain has a problem the rest keeps on going.
If a plugin crashes it is restarted by the transform engine. In the GUI you see a little lightning bolt in the visual representation of that plugin.
Was demonstrated at a trade show, the restart of a plugin is “lightning” :slight_smile: fast The exact ammount of time is probably plugin dependent.
Guess someone from FA can go into more detail.

Great question - and thanks for your reply @Rob - bang on.

The individual chains are hosted in separate processes, meaning that should a plugin within a particular chain experience a problem, the issue is isolated to that particular chain. Upon a crash, that chain is immediately restarted by the system.

There will be a momentary drop in audio while that chain restarts, however in practise this is normally very fast, ie. ms (however is dependent on the speed at which the plugins in the chain start).

We do not limit you in the number of plugins you can put on one Chain. The maximum number of audio I/O is 64 in/64 out, at all available sample rates. These can be split across mono/stereo as you see fit (ie. if you had 32 stereo chains, that would occupy all I/O).

Hope that helps!