More Complex Automation Features

Hey Folks,

IĀ“ve several crucial needs for snapshot automation. First of all, do it like the
DiGiCoĀ“s :wink: But for the beginning this basics would really help me for my purposeā€¦

  • make recall safe possible also only for selected plugins, not only for the whole chain. in my use case we rehearse like 100 songs for the first round where I already make song relevant choices. for the second round of rehearsing I might want to add another plugin to the chain and than i`ve to choose: crash all my stored settings of the plugins whoch where in use since the 1st round, or add the new settings of the new plugin manually in every song of the 100ā€¦

  • ā€œglobal pasteā€(yamaha), ā€œoverramā€(innovason), ā€œcopy to snapā€ however you wanna name it. I need to copy settings from the snap IĀ“m actually in, into selected or all other ones

  • ā€œedit rangeā€(DiGiCo), this is kind of a solution for the same problem but in another way. if I had to choose I would prefer ā€œglobal pasteā€, but sometimes or often ā€œedit rangeā€ is the faster solution. so both options would be the best

  • ā€œinsert newā€ Cue - to determine where (on which position) a new cue is created rather than to have to renumber it manually

Thanks for listening and all the best!

Again, your points are spot on, and I throw my support behind them wholeheartedly. For now the priority has to be individual plugin recall scope control.

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recall safe for selected plugins would be amazing!!! :pray: