Plug-in not 100% visible

Hello, I believe it happened since v1.2
Some plugin are not displayed entirely in the view because of the “auto-zoom”
see pictures attached. 2 are fine and 2 are not. It might linked to a manufacturer but not every plugins from this one are having this issue.
I’ve tried it on a Mac and a Windows

Hi Oliver,

Thanks for flagging this, sorry you’ve been having problems.

I believe this is a pre-existing issue (before 1.2), where if a plugin window is larger than 1600 x 900, the window is cropped.

In our experience this only happens when a plugin view is ‘zoomed’, and in the case of Waves plugins (as per your screenshots), this can sometimes occur at 200% ‘zoom’, as configured in the menu found at the top right of the plugins.

To resolve your issue, we would recommend that you run Waves plugins at 100% ‘zoom’. You can do this by opening the top right menu (if not cropped) in any Waves plugin (say ‘CLA-76 Mono’ in your case), selecting 100%, and then ‘Apply To All’. This should then resolve your issue across Waves plugins.

We’re tracking this issue as TF-763.


Thanks Henry for the reply.

It fixed indeed the issue. I had to restart every chain to have the change taking effect (for other people that would run into the same issue)

Thanks again,

ohh come on, I never had any problem with waves plugins on Transform :smiley:
It works perfectly!

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