Plugins in Lightning mode


New guy here.

Just experimenting with this unit to see if maybe I’d like to switch to it (currently using Waves servers)

I installed a few plugins, but they all show as “Lightning mode”…

Is that because I don’t have any audio (Dante) connections at this point?

If so, is that a requirement in order to build a setup?


Downloaded an offline installer for WAVES but it doesn’t seem to want to install… fails every time I try, even with just one plugin selected.
Tried contacting Waves tech support but they’re out for the holiday, so maybe I’ll talk to them tomorrow.


Ok I now have a dante connection and the lightning bolts have gone away.

But all I can do is look at the plugin control panels. Clicking and dragging on controls does nothing, as does clicking on a number field and attempting to type in.

Any suggestions as to what I might be doing wrong?


Hey Ken - thanks for reaching out and sorry you’ve had a few difficulties getting going.

Re. Dante connection - indeed, the audio engine will not start unless there is an active network connection on the ‘Primary’ port of the engine. You can run all audio and control down the Primary, so for a simple setup you can simply connect to the engine using that port.

That’s very strange regarding the clicking and dragging etc… To confirm - you are able to see the plugin GUI open, but are unable to interact with it? Please also note that due to the multi-client ‘teleporting’ of plugin UIs, at the moment we do not support keyboard entry.

Regarding the Waves installer - can I confirm which version you are using, and that you’re building for Windows?


Thanks for getting back to me!

That’s too bad that keyboard entry is not yet supported. I hope it will be at some point!

Yes, you are correct, I can open the GUI but nothing except the on/off (or in/out) switches is changeable. Should I point out that I’m using a MacBook Pro to access the unit?

Yes, definitely downloaded a WINDOWS install package from Waves Central. Waves suggested that I try using that same file to install on a different windows computer, and if it results in the same issues, download a new installer. Using Waves v15

Thanks again!

My pleasure Ken.

Is this for all plugins or just some? Are you using a touchscreen or keyboard/mouse?

Noted regarding Waves. Have you had any luck rebuilding the installer to see if that might resolve the issue? I’d also recommend uninstalling Waves Central on the transform.engine and trying a fresh reinstallation (on V15) to see if that helps.