Transform engine - Mirroring

How will the mirror work if I have a Q7 or Q8 console or 2 of the same consoles working in mirror mode ?

Hey Kris,

For now, there is no mirroring on the transform.engines. This will be coming in 2025, you can keep up to date with our predicted roadmap here Roadmap | Fourier Audio. Currently, you will need to manually match the installers and showfiles across transform.engines.

Any further questions, please do shout!



Hi Kris,

You could also use a DiGiCo Orange Box with a DMI-Dante and DMI-Opto card, and then share the Dante network (and in turn the transform.engine) across both engines.


Well, I know I can use it this way but than there is no such a redundancy in the system as clients expect.

Also Optocore loop can be fully occupied and than I don’t have that option avaliable.
