Vocal Tuning Plugins

Has anyone had any joy with low (ish) latency vocal tuning plugins? I would love to use Antares Autotune - but it’s online install only - But maybe this might work like UAD native does with copying installed files and having license on ilok…

Waves tune is garbage sounding to me… Any joy friends? :slight_smile:

After a pretty annoying journey of trial&error… these are my findings:

Nuro Xpitch would have 0ms latency. But it does not show up in transform after installation.

bx crispytuner would have 0ms latency in live mode, but can not be opened in transform. gui stays blank.

voloco free early beta can be opened, has about 21ms latency, but popup menu’s do (of course) not work properly in transform

MAutoPitch works, has about 21ms latency (if I remember correctly), but is shit.

Waves Tune Realtime has 0 ms latency, works, but why would I buy transform if I wanted to run Waves Plugins?

Antares Autotune 11 installer is downloaded via Atotune Central App. It can be found at
C:\Users\YOUR ACCOUNT NAME\AppData\Local\Temp\Auto-Tune_Central\installers\ and transferred onto the transform engine. It needs iLok USB Dongle.
It has 2.5ms in Low Latency Mode, but will not work without audio dropouts unless you run transform in 512 Buffer Size, which adds about 12ms latency.

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Thanks for sharing your findings!

There’s no answer for now then!

Sounds like our friends at Fourier need to have a flirt with Antares and get something sorted :slight_smile:

Has anyone tried Slate Metatune?

Hey FMN-Music,

Could you confirm you were using Auto Tune Artist (Live version)? We’ve tried it and works here, at both 32 and 64 period size.



we tried Autotune Pro 11

Hey Elliot - Did you do the… install then copy files across method for this to work well? I own this license so if that works i’ll do it!

Yes, I’ve had it work that way. It’s however reporting wrong latency, but I’ve already flagged with Autotune team. Measured it myself and it’s 2.30ms for Autotune Artist!

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how’s Grallion 2 with it?