Will it pass audio without a plug in inserted? To test the connections?
Hey SpaceGhostSP,
You’ll need to make a chain before audio will pass through, but you can absolutely do this without any plugins inserted!
Well then, I’ve got some issues. Somewhere. Got green lights everywhere. Green boxes on controller. Pretty sure my routing is correct. Transmitters to receivers and receivers to transmitters. When I turn on an insert it kills the audio. It’s not making it to the Fourier and back to my DMI card. Back to the start again.
And you have chains created in your showfile?
In Dante Controller-
- Can you see green lights on the transmit and receive tab of the transform.engine device?
- Can you see green lights on the transmit and receive tab of the DMI card?
For urgent support issues, please use [email protected].
I built a chain. No show file, though. Do I need a show file to check my patching?
If you had a chain, that means you had a showfile already. A ‘default’ one is created automatically when you start transform. Hence you can’t have a chain without it being in a showfile!
My problem is not straight related on using transform.engine without plugins, but I think I might have had similar issues using DMI card attached to the Quantum7 although I don’t believe the problem is DMI card or Dante network. Sometimes, when changing session files in transform.engine, it cuts the audio from transform.engine to the DMI card although plugins and engine is started correctly after loading the session and everything seems OK on Dante. After switching the insert point to OFF on the channels in mixer, the audio passes through again. Transform.engine always receives the audio but doesn’t send it back. Restarting the engine resolves the issue. So I don’t believe the problem lies with the DMI card, transform.engine only cuts off audio to the Dante network in some situations. The Dante patch remains untouched, is correctly set, and doesn’t change, with green lights on every tab.
I can take the log files after next time this happens so if you see something on it.
Hey Tommi,
Sorry to hear you’re experiencing issues, could you send the log files over to [email protected]? Along with the transform.engine showfiles and Quantum7 showfile. That doesn’t sound correct and be great to get to the bottom of it.
- Does this consistently happen? Can you easily reproduce? If so, steps to making it happen.
- Can you see output metering in the transform.client when this happens?
- In Dante controller, is the ‘transmit’ tab of transform.engine displaying green signal indicators?
- Similarly, is the ‘receive’ tab of the DMI card displaying green signal indicators?
It would be great to understand where in the signal chain your issue is.
Hello and thanks for the replies. It was a busy holiday weekend so, I wasn’t able to address the problems with getting going on the Engine. Hopefully, I’ll have some time, soon, to get into it again. I will say that I was beginning to suspect that I had a bad DMI card. I’m not sure it isn’t something I’ve got set wrong, though. Again, thanks for all the replies!
I’m here working on the engine this morning and I’ve changed the sample rate to 48k and rebooted it all and I got audio to pass running it through the switch but once I disabled that Dante controller config and set it up to just be a basic config it wouldn’t pass audio again. Why would it run on a switch and not in the conventional config? Scratching my head…
Had a network issue on the DMI card. Switch negotiated it, but was an issue plugged straight in. Trying to resolve, now. Fingers crossed…
Got audio passing, now. Going to move on to getting my plug in library going.
I’m up and running, all good. Plug ins all work!